Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tales is a series of Christmas-themed animated stories, in which each of the beloved PEANUTS characters star in his or her own charming animated vignette. Bonus episode: Is This Goodbye, Charlie Brown – New-to-DVD! Linus must break the devastating news that his family is moving. Charlie Brown and the gang make their
Legendary monster hunter Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman) is summoned to mysterious Transylvania on a mission that will thrust him into a sweeping battle against the forces of darkness! With non-stop action and electrifying special effects, Van Helsing is an adrenaline-powered motion picture event Roger Ebert calls “Spectacular!”
In the tradition of grand animated classics, Disney’s 11th animated masterpiece, THE ADVENTURES OF ICHABOD AND MR. TOAD, presents two unforgettable children’s classics. Through award-winning (Golden Globe, Best Cinematography, 1950) Disney animation wizardry, THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS and THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW come together in one fabulous adventure — in its original theatrical
14 of the finest works from the universally acclaimed Master of Suspense come together for the first time in one collection. These captivating landmark films boast three decades of Hollywood legends, including James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Anthony Perkins, Sean Connery and Doris Day. The premium packaging and collectible book make Alfred Hitchcock: The Masterpiece Collection
Rudy and his new friend Devery plan to spend Halloween playing practical jokes on the elderly. They both take aim on Mrs. Bakewell, an old widow living in a spooky house by the graveyard. But the kids get the ultimate scare when two of them don’t return from “trick or treating!” Did Mrs. Bakewell have
Green Eggs and Ham and Other Favorites introduces you to Sam-I-Am, who insists that EVERYONE sample the dish he loves best! Plus, you’ll encounter some very narrow-minded Sneetches and packs of Zax on the prairie of Prax! Also, in the Emmy Award-winning Grinch Night, a young Who-boy sets out to save Whoville from the foul-tempered
In 20 HALLOWEEN STORIES, a new single-disc release from Scholastic Storybook Treasures: The Classic Collection, spooky tales and silly stories are faithfully adapted from classic books! Full list of stories: Where the Wild Things Are, Creepy Carrots, Dinosaur Bones, The Day of the Dead, Dem Bones, The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of